Number Guessing Game

Back in highschool builded an simple number guessing game for 2 player in STEM one person enter a number between 1-6 the other person guesses what number they pick. guess the right number wins.

While this might be a simple program code, it starts simple for me to understand how an software works. Simple game like this became an function, which lots of function works together forming a function community. Will then become an software.

This is the code and jsfiddle site link “”

//create a variable for the first person
//number must not exceed 6
//create a variable for the second person
//number must not exceed 6
//compare both values
//if player 2 guess the same as player 1, tell player 2 he or she won.
//obviously, if the guess is wrong, player 2 loses
var player1 = prompt("pick a number, must not exceed 6");
if ((player1 < 1) || (player1 > 6) || (isNaN(player1))){
	window.alert("you cannot follow directions");
else {
	var player2 = prompt("guess a number 1-6");
  if (player1 == player2){
  window.alert("you win!");
  	window.alert("person one answer was" +" "+ player1);
    window.alert("you chose"+" "+player2);